by John Liska
It's summer in Austin. July is hot. August is hot. September .... still pretty hot. And even though our Wednesday night runs are only about 5k we want to make sure our runners are prepared for the heat, and most importantly are having fun.
Recently I came across this article in Runner's World by Pamela Nisevich Bede, M.S., R.D. that I thought I'd share with our runners. It gives 5 pointers on how to stay hydrated in hot weather.
Recently I came across this article in Runner's World by Pamela Nisevich Bede, M.S., R.D. that I thought I'd share with our runners. It gives 5 pointers on how to stay hydrated in hot weather.
- Don't get behind in the first place. Check your approximate hydration status and make sure you stay hydrated the day of your run.
- Hydrate before heading out. Drink approximately 1 oz per every 10 lb of body weight 4 hours before running, and if profuse sweating is expected, drink ~0.6 oz per every 10 lb of body weight 2 hours before a run. (From: The American College of Sports Medicine's Position Standards on Exercise and Fluid Replacement.)
- Establish a game plan. Know your sweat rate, and develop a plan to replace the amount of fluids needed specific to your body's needs.
- Recognize your losses. Understand what your body is losing (e.g. potassium) in sweat and try to replace those electrolytes.
- Replace sweat losses during your run. Consider sports drinks (instead of just water) during the run.
Admittedly some of these tips may be more useful for longer runs, but considering we often run in 95+ degrees (with 40-50% humidity) every little bit helps. I strongly encourage everyone to read the full article as it gives some really useful information beyond the summary I have here.
Be safe, and happy running!